spring ’24


May 10-18, 2024

May 15, 2024

Land Acknowledgement

We at Whim W’Him acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People. A people that are still here, continuing to honor and bring to light their ancestral heritage. We stand to learn from the Duwamish as stewards of this area and to act in solidarity with them to keep this land alive and thriving. We could not call this city home without the Duwamish Tribe.

patricia barker



Dear Whimmers,

It is with great excitement that I write to you today. Instead of giving you an insight into each work and tantalize you with tidbits to watch for, or suggest to you how I feel while watching these three marvelous works by today’s stimulating dance makers, I want to plant a seed that I hope will grow over time. I want you to continue to expand your openness to new ideas, and for you to place new unexplained experiences at the top of your list of indulgences. Like tonight’s performance.

Dance disappears almost at the moment of its display. It is an extreme expression of the present, a perfect metaphor for life. Dancers sculpt space in real-time, working inside a form that is constantly in a state of vanishing. The joy of seeing a work for the first time is what has always excited me about attending any dance performance; the unknowing. The tingles that happen when sitting in a darkened theater waiting with anticipation for the first sight of the dancers, their first breath, or hearing the first musical note. To be vulnerable, to be stimulated, allowing emotions to grow and be carried away by the moment, by the unknown.

I believe that dance connects generations through its language, transcending time while fostering social bonds. I believe dance is an integral part of all human expression, reflecting societal changes, cultural shifts, and the desire for connection.

I myself am a former professional dancer. I believed in Olivier’s passion as a performer. I have always believed in his choreographic voice and now I am honored to be a Whim W’Him board member and support his vision as an Artistic Director and curator.

I invite you to join me in supporting Whim W’Him’s vision by joining us as a member for the 24/25 season. I also invite you to join me and consider making a donation. Your support is integral to the survival of the arts and to the growth of Whim W’Him.

Now sit back, open your mind, open your heart, and experience a great unexplained performance of dance.

Patricia Barker
Whim W’Him Board Member


Real Rent calls on people who live and work in Seattle to make rent payments to the Duwamish Tribe. Though the city named for the Duwamish leader Chief Seattle thrives, the Tribe has yet to be justly compensated for their land, resources, and livelihood.

You can do something today to stand in solidarity with
First Peoples of this land by paying Real Rent.

All funds go directly to Duwamish Tribal Services (DTS) to support the cultural, economic and political survival of the Duwamish Tribe. Visit the webiste to learn more about this grassroots movement to support Duwamish sovereignty



whim w’him nurtures community with contemporary dance
by cultivating space for artists to imagine and explore the human condition


Every gift makes an impact on our artists, programs and community.

Thank You for Your Generous Support!

Your support makes our work possible and we are deeply grateful for all the ways you continue to show up for Whim W’Him, our artists and each other – by donating, joining us in the theater, participate in our conversations, and sharing the work we do with your family, friends and neighbors.

Thank you for being part of the Whim W’Him family!