Brendan thanks the cast members for their irreplaceable contributions during this creative process. 
This is a true co-creation. Without the smart, funny, talented performers at Whim W’Him, it would not exist.”

And when the  mask cracks, we can see the person who hides behind it. Hoffman is actually Watson’s alter ego. They move in tandem, not so much mirror images but rather a reminder that things–and people–are not always who they seem to be.

Marcie Sillman, And another thing…

In Stephanie Knows Some Great People, all of the production elements meld seamlessly to create an entirely encapsulated world, the choreography emerging as an organic expression of character, rather than an abstraction of thematic ideas. Duggan’s vision premiered in an already-mature composition, one I’d beg to see again as a full-length work.

Philippa Myler, Seattle Dances

It’s a funny, innovative and relevant look at social nuances and probably one of Whim W’Him most brilliant pieces to date.

Chris Heide, Chosen Magazine

Stephanie Knows Some Great People


September 6, 2018
Erickson Theater


Brendan Duggan


The Caretaker, Richard Skelton, solo andata, Rolan Vega


Milena Hranac


Michael Mazzola